Death Wish Coffee’s Loyalty-Generated Revenue Increased by 186% YoY with

How a loyalty program refresh, gamification techniques, and effective email marketing drove conversions.

Store & Loyalty Program Name:Death Wish Coffee Company
Ritual Rewards

Food & Beverage

Loyalty Program Type:
Points, VIP, Referrals

186% increase

4.8x higher

975% higher

in Smile-Generated Value 

AOV for repeat customers

Klaviyo Revenue per Recipient 

About Death Wish Coffee

Death Wish Coffee is for caffeine lovers who need to get the most out of their days. Exceptionally bold in flavor and strength, their coffee is for those looking to live each day to the fullest. 

Founder Mike Brown was inspired to create Death Wish in 2012 while working in a coffee shop. Day after day, customers asked, “What's the strongest cup of coffee you have?” 

Challenge: Re-engaging dormant shoppers

In 2013, Good Morning America aired a segment on Death Wish, and in 2016, they won a contest that earned them a Super Bowl ad, further introducing the brand to thousands of viewers.

The surge in demand brought on an increased emphasis on the ecommerce customer experience. Death Wish launched its loyalty program, now Ritual Rewards, in 2017 to provide extra value to its most loyal customers. 

Over the years, Death Wish noticed fluctuations in its loyalty program engagement rates. In June 2023, a low rewards redemption rate signaled the need for optimization. 

Seeing the value on the table, Kelly Spencer—Communications Marketing Manager—and the rest of the Death Wish team quickly created a plan to leverage and re-engage these dormant customers. 

Solution: A loyalty program refresh and gamification techniques

Death Wish introduced 3 main strategies to bring its loyalty program to the front of customers’ minds again:

A loyalty program rebrand.

Gamification campaigns.

Personalized Klaviyo email flows and segments. 

1. A loyalty program rebrand.

With a brand focused on death from its name to its skull and crossbones logo, Reaper Rewards was initially a natural fit for a loyalty program name. But eventually, it became overkill and got lost in the sea of death-related references.  

Death Wish also offers a subscription order and deems its coffee subscribers its Society of Strong Coffee. These frequent shoppers unlock exclusive access to perks like private merch drops, early access to exclusive product drops, sampling programs, and more. Subscribers enjoy these experiential rewards and the benefits of the VIP program. 

In 2023, the loyalty program was rebranded to Ritual Rewards to encourage top-tier VIP members to start a subscription. 

“The branding for our subscription program is this secret club-esque thing where they get the real view of what’s behind the velvet curtain, and so we wanted our rewards program to kind of ladder up into that,” Kelly explains. “We wanted the experiences to align so that we could also use it as a pipeline for people who are super engaged in the rewards program to get them moved into a subscription.”

“We recognized the immense value, and you're not beholden to always having to drop new products to get people back to the website. [The Smile Rewards program is] providing value for the things they’re already doing and is positive reinforcement of ‘Hey, you're supporting us, so we should support you in some way back.’”

Kelly Spencer
Communications Marketing Manager

A screenshot of a Death Wish Coffee email for its Swig League campaign. It includes a baseball-style scoreboard showing the team points. It also explains how customers can earn more points through loyalty and referral initiatives.

2. Gamification Campaigns

Death Wish took gamification and community engagement to the next level by introducing its Swig League campaign. The baseball-inspired campaign encouraged coffee subscribers to join one of two teams based on their coffee preferences—Pitch Black or Creamators. The 9-inning campaign takes place over 9 weeks and allows customers to earn team points for successful referrals, SMS and email opt-ins, and other challenges. 

“What it does in terms of just the community building is what’s made Death Wish what it was from the start. Building a foundation with people on an individual level and making the experience really special is what’s got us here,” Kelly tells us.    

Powered through, Death Wish has created two unique VIP tiers for each team to monitor the points' activity, track referrals, and send weekly email communications with embedded loyalty program information. 

“With, it's been super awesome because I get a report that lets me know how many referral purchases each VIP team made. Then, I know on an individual level who is on those teams, and I can go in and look at them on a rewards member basis and pull out MVPs that we can highlight on Facebook Lives and throughout the program.”

3. Rewards redemption rate soars to 70% with Klaviyo and

Death Wish takes advantage of the and Klaviyo integration to personalize its email communications with dynamic loyalty program content. 

“We use Klaviyo for all of our email marketing. That integration is great because I can dynamically include people’s referral codes and points balances in emails that remind them if they have rewards.” 

With its recent Swig League campaign, Death Wish has created custom flows and segments in Klaviyo for each team to send specific updates. “It’s super beneficial, particularly for the Swig League campaign that we’ve been running. We’re doing weekly scoreboard drops in the email, and in it, I can say, ‘Okay, Pitch Black, you’re down this week. Here’s your referral code. Don’t forget every time you share this, your team gets 5 points.’”

“If you have a rewards program, but you’re just letting it exist on your website and hoping that people organically engage with it, they will. But you have such an opportunity to message and remind them about the program and the points that they have, and all of those custom properties exist in Klaviyo.”

Death Wish also leveraged Klaviyo when relaunching its Ritual Rewards rebrand. By turning its loyalty program email flows back on, the rewards program redemption rate reached 70%. 

“Even if you're not doing any rewards-specific flows, creating a block that stays in your recurring comms that calls attention to your consumer’s points balance reminds them that there's value on the table for them that they might be missing out on,” Kelly tells other business owners. 




Higher Revenue Per Recipient (RPR) for Swig League Flows 

Higher Conversion Rate for Swig League Flows 

Higher Customer Lifetime Value for Smile Members

Outcome: Loyalty-Driven Revenue Spikes

Focusing on customer engagement, personalization, and loyalty has undoubtedly paid off for Death Wish Coffee. 

Death Wish’s Smile-Generated Value (all orders with a rewards code) has increased by 186% in one year. With points, referrals, and a VIP program, the coffee brand prioritizes relationships with repeat customers—driving a 4.8x higher AOV from this cohort.

Coffee is a categorically high-purchase-frequency product. The key is ensuring customers are shopping from your brand repeatedly. With regular loyalty program reminder communications powered by Klaviyo, Death Wish has achieved a 2.63x higher purchase frequency for active rewards program redeemers. This means that customers who redeem a reward once are more likely to shop again.




Increase in Smile-Generated Value Year-Over-Year

Higher AOV for Repeat Customers vs. One-Time Shoppers

Higher Purchase Frequency for Loyalty Program Members


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